Menjelang kehangatan perlawanan Kelayakan Piala Dunia, Malaysia vs Singapura yang bakal berlangsung malam nanti tidak menghalang kami untuk kembali mengadakan perlawanan persahabatan di Padang SMVTP. Perlawanan ini telah disertai oleh 3 pasukan Tanjung Rhinos iaitu pasukan T4, T5 dan TR Old Boys. Terima kasih atas kesudian Kudud - yang kini kelihatan semakin 'thought', Amirul dan rakan-rakan lain yang sudi hadir mewakili TR Old Boys untuk memeriahkan perlawanan persahabatan pada petang ini. Persahabatan ini bertujuan memberi pendedahan awal kepada pemain ragbi T4 disamping memberi penghargaan kepada pemain-pemain T5 yang rata-ratanya merupakan nadi pasukan ragbi tahun ini yang telah berjaya muncul tempat ketiga di Kejohanan Ragbi KATV Kebangsaan baru-baru ini. Persahabatan pada petang ini juga memberi petanda semakin ramai bekas pemain SMVTP yang masih aktif seperti Kudud, Amirul dan lain-lain dalam sukan ragbi dan mudah-mudahan impian untuk melihat penubuhan pasukan Tanjung Rhinos Old Boys akan menjadi kenyataan suatu hari nanti.
Kudud dan Amirul (berjersi hitam paling terkehadapan) antara tulang belakang Pasukan TR 2008-2009
Tanjung Rhinos dulu dan kini
Pemain-pemain ragbi U-16 keletihan setelah melalui 2 perlawanan yang panjang
Harimau Malaya VS Singapura Stadium Bukit Jalil 28 Julai 2011 8.45malam
Masih di dalam suasana fenomena dengan pasukan Harimau Malaya walaupun sesekali kedengaran suara-suara yang tidak begitu aman untuk didengar ekoran kekalah Harimau Malaya di tangan Singapura, 5-3 pada pertemuan kali pertama di Singapura tempohari. Begitupun kunjungan Singapura di Malaysia sudah tentu akan melalui ranjau yang cukup berliku dan sukar dan kami yakin Harimau Malaya akan bermain bermati-matian untuk membalas kembali kekalahan tersebut. Bermain di padang rumput sebenar, berbanding padang sintetik (Singapura) sudah tentu ianya memberi sedikit kelebihan kepada pasukan negara. Untuk para ULTRAS MALAYA, saya sangat sukakan istilah 'Pemain ke-12' dan sememangnya anda cukup layak untuk menggalas tugas itu. Untuk rekod sekitar 60 ribu tiket telah terjual sehingga petang Selasa, 26 Julai 2011. Ini memberikan satu mesej yang jelas bagaimana keadaan stadium pada waktu tersebut. Pasukan Datuk Rajagopal walaupun terkadang diberikan kritikan membina, namun saya tetap yakin dengan kebolehannya - dan Harimau Malaya keseluruhannya. Dengan dibarisi pemain-pemain yang cukup muda menjelaskan betapa Harimau Malaya kini sedang bercita-cita tinggi dengan dipimpini oleh jurulatih yang penuh falsafah dan berpandangan jauh. Kami mengiringi perjuangan anda nanti - HARIMAU MALAYA - dengan doa kejayaan. Semoga berjaya dan sememangnya anda telah berjaya.
Gaya Liverpool tapi hati tetap ULTRAS MALAYA! Terima Kasih Fahrurrazi Puji untuk foto menarik ini
Pertembungan antara The Reds dan Malaysia yang berlangsung petang tadi dengan keputusan akhir, Liverpool menang 6-3. Masuk seminggu berehat dari mengadakan latihan ragbi di padang atas ekoran kesibukan tugas-tugas lain disamping menghabiskan sedikit masa bersama keluarga membolehkan saya menonton perlawanan petang tadi dengan penuh minat. Sememangnya saya sentiasa berusaha untuk memastikan saya dapat menonton perlawanan melibatkan pasukan kebangsaan. Senario terkini juga jelas memberi tanda bahawa sukan bolasepak kembali menjadi suatu fenomena dan sedang dibarisi oleh watak-watak terbaik dari seluruh pelusuk negara. Muncul satu-satunya negara dari Asia Tenggara yang berjaya melayakkan diri hingga ke peringkat kumpulan pusingan ke-3 (Zon Asia) kelayakan Sukan Olimpik 2012, mungkin membawa pengertian yang lebih besar - Malaysia mungkin memiliki sejumlah pemain muda terbaik di Asia Tenggara.
Kekalahan 6-3 di tangan pasukan gergasi - memiliki sejarah yang cukup hebat di Liga Perdana Inggeris dan Peringkat Eropah, dibarisi pemain-pemain terbaik dari seluruh dunia dan mempunyai reputasi hebat seantero dunia - The Reds merupakan suatu kekalahan yang saya boleh sifatkan - hanya kekalahan dari segi angka dan bukanlah suatu kekalahan mutlak. Sesuatu pasukan yang sedang dibentuk untuk sesuatu kejohanan sudah tentunya perlu mengasah kemampuan mereka menerusi perlawanan ujian atau perlawanan persahabatan. Bagi pasukan yang ingin melonjakkan keyakinan dan motivasi pemain, menentang pasukan yang lebih lemah dan hampir pasti akan mencatatkan keputusan menang adalah pilihan terbaik. Tetapi bagi pasukan yang sudah memiliki mentaliti yang baik, sudah tentu perlawanan menentang pasukan yang lebih baik adalah pilihan yang terbaik. Mentaliti yang baik menyebabkan pemain-pemain dapat memahami dengan positif hasil sesuatu perlawanan walaupun berakhir dengan keputusan - kalah!..
Rajagopal seperti biasa sentiasa konsisten dalam memberikan sentuhan terbaiknya, menerusi idea dan taktikal perlawanan dan menggunakan kelebihan sedia ada pemain untuk mencorakkan permainan keseluruhan pasukan. Rajagopal yang telah bersama pemain-pemain untuk satu jangka masa yang agak lama, atau memantau pemain-pemain untuk tempoh yang agak panjang sudah tentu mempunyai jangkaan terhadap individu yang akhirnya memberi jangkaan kepada pasukan. Dengan fokus kepada memberikan persembahan terbaik - memenuhi jangkaan secara individual dan sepasukan, berbanding memikirkan soal menang atau kalah, Pasukan Malaysia berjaya mengekang dengan baik Pasukan The Reds 'kelas dua' untuk separuh masa yang pertama. Lebih mengejutkan apabila Kapten Malaysia, Mohd Safiq Rahim berjaya merobek gawang Liverpool menerusi sepakan percuma yang cantik. Jaringan 1-1 kekal sehingga tamat babak pertama Sebelum giliran Safee Sali menunjukkan ketajamannya pada separuh masa kedua dengan meledak 2 gol - menjadikan sejumlah 3 gol yang berjaya dijaringkan ke atas Liverpool.
Secara peribadi saya melihat banyak perkara yang positif menerusi perlawanan ini. Mungkin boleh dikatakan perlawanan persahabatan paling kompetetif melibatkan pasukan kebangsaan dengan wakil Liga Perdana Inggeris dan sudah tentu mempersiapkan diri pemain-pemain kebangsaan untuk berhadapan cabaran dari Singapura. Kami pendokong anda sudah tentu sentiasa menyokong anda dan berdoa Malaysia sentiasa mempamerkan permainan terbaik dan hasilnya mencatatkan kemenangan. Apapun - kami bangga dengan anda HARIMAU MALAYA dan selamat berjuang..
Lautan merah memenuhi segenap ruang di Stadium Bukit Jalil malam ini
"If you're ashamed to stand by your colours, you had better seek another flag".
Tn Hj Salleh with Our greatest referre, Subkidin Mohd Salleh and Tn Hj Khalid Ayub
The quest for victory spurred Tanjung Rhinos to work harder. After becoming finalist in the MSSD Rugby Tourney, where we lost to a national level finalist – English College, the coaches drummed up the players to be champion at KAT’S zone level carnival at Segamat in late April. Thus training after training followed. The aim was set to dethrone the current and defending zone champion – SMV Muar – which represented South Zone at KAT’S national level carnival at Muar last year.With great enthusiasm, the coaches and the players trained and trained. Friendly matches were arranged with other school teams to build up confidence. At Segamat we managed to get the players focused, Matches were played at SMK Bandar Putra ground. We managed to beat SMV Batu Pahat, SMV Muar and SMT Johor Bahru. Our prayers were answered when we entered the final against another reputable team – SMV Segamat. It was a very tough match as every try and conversion was evenly matched by the other team. Tempers flared as each team was trying to outdo the other and as a result we were deadlocked with the same point though we were leading at first. To save time penalty conversion was decided upon and it was really a nerve-wrecking moment for players and supporters alike. Crucial moments were when we were tied again at 3 – 3 and at last we won by a very narrow margin. It was a triumphant moment for the Rhinos as we would be representing Johore for the very first time. But with that came the heavy burden – achieving the target of at least a semi-final berth. The coaches set the momentum going.
Trainings were held daily after the mandatory school activities – from 5.00pm to 6.30pm. Stamina build up, tactical and spiritual values were inculcated into their minds. The spirits of camaraderie and brotherhood strengthened among the players. Everyone’s spirit was high. The mid-year exam prior to the school holidays slowed down their activities and were later given off-days during the first week of the semester break. The rejuvenated players reassembled after the first week. Light trainings were encouraged as we could not risk injuries to the players. The day of departure arrived – 7th June. The players were given motivation in order to achieve their set goals. We departed after a photo session with the Principal. There were 18 players, U Rahman, En Salmezan and En Mohd Salleh plus the two drivers, En Yusuf and En Yuhadzlan. The players were excited as for the majority it was their first trip there. A few were texting and others were sleeping – making up for lost sleeping hours and the hyperactive – karaokeing!!!!!.
Karaoke time!!!
Lunch stop at Leban Condong after the Dzuhur prayer at the Rompin mosque was heartening as we managed to loosen our tired legs and sampled the delicious lunch – but the prices were a bit steep for simple fares taken. We proceeded to Kuantan in the heat of the day via the new Pekan- Kuantan highway before turning into the formerly sleepy but fast developing Tanjung Lumpur – a suburb of Kuantan. We arrived at about 6.00pm and checked-in at the hostel. Luckily our “temporary dwelling” was facing the field – thus we got fresh breezes blown through the open field and the lush invigorating Bukit Pelindung was nearby. Accomodation was Spartan with high ceiling but poor toilet conditions – prevalent in almost all school hostels that I had been to. Waking up was hard to do. The players had to be cajoled to wake up to perform the mandatory dawn prayer. At first they performed the prayers at the nearby surau downstairs but later in the dorm itself as it was quite troublesome especially as time was limited as a few cubicles in the toilet had functioning facets with proper doors. Thus the students had to ease themselves and later take their bath on the lower floors – a time consuming routine indeed.
Welcome to SM Teknik Kuantan!!
After breakfast – normally two pieces of thin bread, scramble egg and a piece of chicken frank or just fried mee and sweet “teh O”- imagine eating fried mee with your own “forks and spoons”- totally unthinkable especially for teachers!!! Has the standard gone down that far??? Not to let these things hamper our preparations, off we went for our practice session. First at MPK ground at Taman Gelora. It was my idea that we “invaded” the just trimmed pitch as we couldn’t find any other suitable venues. The workout touched only on tacticals. It rained heavy that night which was supposed to be the opening night. The rhinos coiled up on their mattresses for an early night since there was nothing much to do. I did not feel the presence of any mosquitoes unlike others. Sound sleep we had but the next dawn was another hustle. Due to the heavy rain we realised that the pitch would be a little soggy and not conducive for play. I suggested that we build up their stamina and later decided to let the players jog/run up the nearby Bukit Pelindung. I challenged them that I managed to do that with my children and wife and cousins in 20 minutes. After briefing and warming up, they ran up the 220metre steep hill topped by Telecom Transmission Towers. Jog they did but reached the accessible top in 40 minutes. Panting, they managed to loosen their muscles and breathe fresh air. After picture taking with landmarks at the top, they descended slowly finding U Rahman waiting for them at “base camp “.
After lunch and a rest, the players teamed up on the field – to familiarise themselves with the pitch at the venue – as those other teams. It ended with a rest, prayer, dinner and informal pep talks by the coaches. The opening ceremony was done at SMV Pelindung – in the school hall as the weather was unfriendly – and only those staying at that school hostel had to attend. Our coach had all the players glued to his motivational talk with video presentations – of matches played before. On another night, it was Rocky starring Sylvester Stallone – his determination to become champion in order to spur the players to greater height. We went out “ngeteh” at the nearby roti outlet as we had not had that drink for a few days! Friday, the day of the matches arrived as the sun shone on them. The venue – SMK Sultan Abu Bakar Kuantan. Our first match was against SMV Arau, the team we drew with during the Arau Invitational last January. The players were, for the very first time, dressed in the most eye-catching and up –to – date jerseys sponsored by Golden Straits Villas Beach Resort. This time we won. Later it was rest before Friday prayer. So we returned early to the hostel before the prayer which we performed at the newly-opened Tok Sera Mosque, a stone’s throw away from my homestay – a semi D. It is air-conditioned but we had to perform the prayer outside as it was full to the brim.
@ SMK Sultan Abu Bakar, Kuantan ground
Versus Voc-Ar at the 1st game
After prayer, we had a tough time against SMV Sijingkat but we persevered. A technical glitch occurred and we had earlier sought the help of our Principal to bring the required documents. As a result our key player was not allowed to play in the second match. The required documents were duly delivered as quickly as possible before the match against SMV Kuala Kangsar. The key player showed his mettle by going one on one and touched the ball under the goal posts. A rare feat indeed. Bad umpiring/refereeing reared its ugly head when the referee’s decisions were questionable. As a result, three of our players were sent out – red cards. This a bit demoralised our other players that they lost the game. Nevertheless they carried on fighting gallantly. Frustrated, the players rested for the night with pep talks by U Rahman as they had another match Saturday morning. I had earlier bought kropok lekor sagu from my favourite stall in Tanjung Lumpur to supplement their diet and they were all gone in 5 minutes with the promise to order more the next day.
Facing SMT Sikijang challenged
Lost with SMV Kuala Kangsar
With enough rest, they woke up as scheduled and were raring to give their best against SMV Butterworth. A draw result 5-5 was enough and Alhamdulillah we qualified for the 3rd and 4th placing as we became the group’s runner-up. After lunch the students were given pep talks by the coach and the Principal – on their last mission that would place them at no 3 or 4 respectively. The players promised to give their best. It was a closely contested match as both teams inched their way to victory by scoring one after the other simultaneously. We won by 7-5. The final was played later between SMV Kuala Kangsar and SMV Kuala Terengganu (Wakaf Tembusu) , the incumbent who later retained the title. The prize giving ceremony followed officiated by Tn Hj Tajuddin Bin Jab, the Director for Vocational and Technical Education. The winners and losers were congratulated and later a photography session was held with the “boss”, and later with other contesting teams. The exhausted players were later treated to an early dinner by the Principal at a seafood restaurant in Tanjung Lumpur. The players joyously enjoyed their rice meals with their favourite drinks.The students were left on their own – resting for the night as there wasn’t much to do at night and they had achieved the target set by the Principal – a semi-final berth !. Sunday was an off-day and the students were let loose at Mega Mall, one of Kuantan’s premier shopping complexes before checking-out at noon – after lunch. The closing ceremony was later afficiated by Tn. Hj. Tajuddin bin Jab with brass band presentation by the Methodist Girls School Band.
Sang our school song 'Berilmu untuk berjasa' after lucky win against Ampangan
We sang Bertemu dan Berpisah (Auld Lang Syne), had tea and later boarded the bus for the journey home – praying at a small mosque near Gambang and having dinner at the Muadzam Shah R & R. The journey was smooth with the students fast asleep as they had to attend school the day after. We reached the school at around 2.00 am Monday morning, exhausted but glad with our achievements. For the players, we have another assignment to accomplish – The Iskandar Malaysia 10’s Rugby Challenge 2011 due on the 9th and 10th of July, 2011.
Tanjung Rhinos di Iskandar Malaysia 10s Rugby Challenge 2011 Diri dari kiri : Ridhwan, Naqib, Bayan, Arif (c), Luqman, Afizi, Adib dan Afidzul Duduk dari kiri : Lufti, Syah, Firdaus, Azli, Capang dan Fauzan Tiada dalam gambar : Akmal
Tanjung Rhinos telah menyertai kejohanan ini yang berlangsung bermula 9-10 Julai 2011 di Dataran Bandaraya. Pasukan Tanjung Rhinos telah di undi bersama finalis kejohanan tahun lepas, SMSS dan SERUC B. Namun nasib tidak menyebelahi kami tahun ini apabila hanya mampu beraksi dalam 2 perlawanan sahaja ekoran penarikan diri pasukan SERUC B sebelum ditunjukkan jalan keluar oleh SMK Bandar Penawar. Namun ini merupakan pendedahan yang cukup baik untuk pemain-pemain baru. Keputusan penuh perlawanan yang melibatkan Tanjung Rhinos adalah seperti berikut :
Tanjung Rhinos vs SMSS kalah 29-0
Tanjung Rhinos vs SMK Bandar Penawar kalah 7-0
Ucapan terima kasih yang tidak terhingga kepada penaja-penaja kami untuk kejohanan kali ini iaitu :
SMT Million Ent. (Pembekal Akademi Binaan Malaysia)
Datuk Seri Shahrir Samad
Tanjung Rhinos bersama Pasukan Malaysia U-20 yang akan beraksi dalam ARFU 7s
Gembira dapat menyertai komuniti ragbi terbesar di Malaysia
Mengambil peluang menyaksikan pasukan Malaysia U20 beraksi
Memanaskan badan sebelum perlawanan berlangsung
Memberi sedikit kata-kata sebelum perlawanan
Menentang SMK Bandar Penawar - Pusingan kedua kategori Plate
Nasib tidak menyebelahi kami kali ini - ada hikmahnya